New Release
Comfort in Sorrow
Living After the Death of a Loved One
A book to help those in grief or those wanting to help family or friends in the grief experience. It can be used in a class room, or as a help in facilitating a support group.
Grief is often approached from "this is my experience" or from an educator "teaching the stages / phases of grief." This book originates with bereaved individuals in a group setting or as a one on one experience. What they say about their loss and then the exchange of ideas that may help in handling the moment or the experience. All thoughts expressed for support are just that, thoughts, they are there for consideration.
There is no one size fits all in the grief process. Each person decides what fits for their life. I use the metaphor of the dinning room table, all thoughts go on the table, then the bereaved sifts through and decides which ones fit for this moment. This empowers the bereaved to make choices, and discern which are healthy choices.